We all deserve to reach our highest potential, and break the stigma that surrounds mental health. I believe with an aligned fit, we can achieve anything. Healing, and overcoming limiting beliefs is my jam. With my background, and your willingness to do the work, I believe we can go after whatever you’re seeking.

Hi, I'm Lauren

Just a Midwest girl who found herself in 

Sin City

Ever since I was little, I was always interested in helping others, and curious about why people are the way they are.

 I grew up in the midwest, and received my Bachelors degree in psychology, and my masters degree in clinical mental health. Upon graduation I found myself in Las Vegas for the last 7 years.

As a trauma survivor, I find that my experiences and education provide a dynamic approach to what it takes to do the work and heal, because of my personal experiences.

During those 7 years, I niched down to work more with trauma, athletes, and women's issues.

Following covid, I began exploring more about neurodivergence, and my ADHD which led me to learning that I am Autistic as well.

Being late-diagnosed comes with a lot of grief with unmasking, and learning more about what accommodations I need to avoid burn out.

Following my formal diagnosis beginning of 2023, I felt safe to begin unmasking and learning more about myself personally, and professionally.

During my retreat in Montana I realized I wanted to be surrounded by more water and nature, and living in the desert was no longer aligned.

I am currently traveling with my dog, and working remote as I adventure around the US and Canada.

I am incredibly passionate about mental health (my special interest), and creating safety to take up space and live a more authentic life.

I love to learn, and remain curious about why we are the way we are, and what it looks like to prioritize our mental health.

Are you ready, yet?