If beating yourself up worked, it would have worked by now.
Accept yourself fully. The good and the bad, and I can guarantee you will experience a ☮️ you don’t even know is possible for you. ✨
Strive for progress not perfection. .
We cannot change anything until we first acknowledge and accept it. You CAN be loved just as you are in this moment. It all starts with you. We accept the love we think we deserve. Turn that self-love notch up, and others will follow your lead. 💕
If you’re reading this and begin to think about all the things you don’t like, I want you to say them again but remove the negativity and just observe yourself. 🧐
“I have an ugly smile.”
Objective curiosity: “I have a smile.”
The follow-up of this is to then add a positive descriptor.✅
“I have an amazing smile.” .
Now, you may not believe it initially, but with time you will transform the story you’re telling yourself, by consistently utilizing positive affirmations. .
What’s one compliment/objective affirmation you can give yourself today, to start this week off right?! 🥰