Lessons to Share🔑🙌🏼🧠
8 months ago I started seeing clients in nursing homes/residential facilities to help pay down debt I racked up while I was sick.
I recently had my last day, and have been in a space of reflection.
Regret seems to be one of the most painful emotions to experience. 💔
To sit with individuals and listen to what it feels like to experience it being too late for them. To be unable to ever make their dreams happen, to feel so many what if’s, due to physical health, or mental decline, and the consequences of their choices and actions.
I’ve listened to humans talk about the “I wish I would have…” ⬇️⬇️⬇️
taken the risk, overcome my fears, stood up for myself, not let others discourage me, not spent so much time criticizing myself, taken time off/away from work and spent more time with loved ones.
I’ve also held space for humans that are ready to die. Who are content with their life and have made peace with their choices that led to this point.🤍
Here’s what I gathered overall:
1️⃣ Life is much shorter than we can ever imagine. Nothing is permanent. Make time for you and your loved ones.
2️⃣ Plan for retirement. Yesterday ‼️ Invest in your future.
3️⃣ If you have to pick between your own approval or the approval of your parents/family/friends/society, pick the first. Pick YOU. Every Single Time. Remain in integrity with yourself.
4️⃣ Forgive yourself, and others quicker. Love > criticism.
5️⃣ Don’t rely on others to do for you what you aren’t already doing for yourself.
6️⃣ The time will continue to pass, block out those who try to talk you out of your dreams. You are the one who has to live with your choices and the consequences.
7️⃣ You’ll know it’s for you when it brings you peace. Trust yourself more. Some people are committed to misunderstanding you.
8️⃣ Do it now for the future you. Travel. Accept you don’t know everything.
9️⃣ Take risks. All of them. The more mistakes, and the messier, the better the stories later. The more you become yourself.
🔟 Enjoy the little things. It’s the little things you will miss first, not the big things. It’s the simple tasks and moments you will miss most.